What is Fundamental Analysis?

What is Fundamental Analysis?
Fundamental analysis analyzes the markets, while the countries' economic situations will be analyzed. Economy of the country's currency is valuable because it is a good confidence in the currency of that country has increased.
Fundamental analysis on the currency of the country, and when analyzed, that country's unemployment rate, production, inflation is taken into consideration criteria such as. How long these values​​, develop away from what direction the currency situation is examined and analyzed accordingly.
Macroeconomic factors to be considered when there are 3 basic analysis;
1-Interest Rates
2-Unemployment Rate
3-political events.

Interest rates are determined by each country's Central Bank. Low interest rates, currency value because of kaybettirir.Bunun sale of low-interest currencies. Value, high-interest currencies.
The result analysis of a country's low unemployment rate güçlendiğidir country. The unemployment rate in a country where the economy is not strong and therefore the currency is losing value.
Political events are evaluated, the overall situation of the country's money is obtained and the value gained by the course of this condition can be determined not win.

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